Tag: leadership


The Dangers of Becoming Too Close to Your Employees

There’s an old expression that says, “It’s lonely at the top.” If we picture a company’s management structure as a pyramid, with the seniority of the staff increasing as one moves up the pyramid, we can see how this makes sense.


How Weather Reminds Us of Great Leadership Traits

It seems far-fetched to look for similarities between weather and leadership, but that’s what O.C. Tanner Institute researchers and authors, David Sturt and Todd Nordstrom, recently uncovered.


Why You Should Start Asking More Questions When Running Meetings

Let’s face it, meetings can be boring affairs. Often, they are called unnecessarily or are poorly run. As a result, many people simply check out during meetings. It’s easy to see that they don’t appear to be listening; they’re on their phone; they’re checking e-mails on their laptops, etc. But this doesn’t have to be […]


6 Tips for More Effective Public Speaking

We’ve all heard the old pseudo-statistic that people are more afraid of public speaking than death. Although this might be hyperbole (would most people honestly rather die than speak in public?), the point is that public speaking is something many people are afraid of and few excel at. But despite this, anyone can improve on this […]


Promoting a Culture of Experimentation and Learning

In several previous posts, we discussed the concept of embracing failure. Failure is a normal part of life and shouldn’t necessarily be treated as an existential catastrophe, but it’s important to learn from it to avoid making the same mistakes.


New Manual Offers International Business Etiquette Tips

In a globally connected world, those who wish to be truly successful need to demonstrate their ability to engage with suppliers, customers, business partners, and even coworkers from around the globe.

How HR Leaders Drive Innovation

HR leaders shouldn’t underestimate the impact they can have on an organization. While they might spend a lot of time doing nitty-gritty tasks like ensuring document accuracy and keeping current with compliance updates, they can also play the critical role of driving innovation.


A Spectrum of Reasons for Failure

In recent posts, we discussed the concept of embracing failure, beginning with looking at the organizational benefits of doing so, as well as the risks of ignoring this failure. Next, we talked about strategies that can help use failure as a learning experience and then discussed three categories of failure in a follow-up post.


3 Categories of Predictable Business Failures

We all fail from time to time, but what sets some organizations and individuals apart is how they respond to and learn from those failures.


5 Steps for Embracing Failure

In a previous post, we discussed the importance of embracing failure. This applies equally to both individuals and organizations, but we’re focusing on the organizational level for this series. In this post, we’ll discuss some strategies for successfully managing and embracing failures, several of which will be discussed in more detail in future posts.