Learning & Development, Talent

Time Management Hacks

When grooming employees for a future in company management positions, one of the most critical concepts to instill in them is effective time management. Even the most competent employees from a technical or intellectual standpoint can end up falling short in the long run if they can’t manage their time effectively.


Source: phototechno / iStock / Getty

Fortunately, there are some relatively simple tips and tricks to help employees manage their time. Here are several recommended by The Oracles.

Gain Agreement on Your Priorities

Instead of having others fight over your time, get a consensus on what your priorities are so you can maintain the appropriate focus without unnecessary distractions.

Get a Good Calendar

It’s easy to let the day get away from you with “critical” items. But setting and staying in control of your calendar is essential to managing time effectively.
Today’s calendaring options include not only traditional “desk” calendars but also a wide range of digital options that can be synched seamlessly with other apps and your online calendar and to-do lists.

Structure Your Day Around When Your Brain Is at Its Peak

Everyone has his or her own natural peak time throughout the day. Some of us are night owls, others are morning people, and some work best midday. Focus your critical activities around your own personal peak, and schedule other activities during times when you’re not so energetic.
For instance, if you’re an early-morning person, tackle the tough tasks then. Use time later in the day to do simple tasks like checking e-mails or catching up on reading.

Identify the ‘One Thing’

While there may not always be a single thing that requires dedicated attention, it’s important to train yourself to focus on the absolute top priorities that need to take precedence over all else.

Separate Opportunities and Operations

Opportunities represent potential prospects for the future, while operations represent current, ongoing obligations. Successful individuals find a way to make time for both.

Focus on Profit-Producing Activities

With a limited amount of time, focus on those activities that are going to boost your bottom line. Everything else needs to be prioritized accordingly.


It’s tough for many people to delegate, but it helps your employees grow, and it helps you focus on the activities that truly require your input, expertise, and action.

Adopt the ‘Laptop Lifestyle’

Basically, this means being able to get work done and be available 24/7, around the clock, and around the globe.
We all have a finite amount of time, but there are ways to manage that finite resource more efficiently. It’s all about working smarter, not necessarily harder or longer.

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