HR Management & Compliance, Talent

Toxic Impact of Rude Bosses Part I: Negative Impact

Most of us have had to deal with rude, toxic, or just unpleasant employees or coworkers at some point in our careers. But what happens when unpleasant employees aren’t just our coworkers—they’re our bosses? This is, unfortunately, not an uncommon situation for many workers.
As Amy Morin points out in an article for Forbes, these bosses exhibit certain behaviors that cross the line, from demanding to simply toxic. “They use fear and intimidation to maintain control,” she writes. “They act like bullies and often pick on their employees. They may try to gain compliance by embarrassing or threatening employees. Toxic bosses often exhibit narcissistic and psychopathic traits. They abuse their positions of power and they lack empathy for other workers.”
Here are just a few of the ways a toxic boss can have disastrous impacts on your organization.

Damage to Morale

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Perhaps the most obvious impact of a toxic boss is the drag he or she has on morale. Nobody, no matter how sunny his or her disposition, can stay positive indefinitely in the face of a toxic manager. Of course, it’s not just the employees who are affected. Poor morale has a direct negative impact on productivity and, ultimately, turnover.

Growing Turnover

When an employee’s morale hits a certain point, he or she is highly likely to start looking for other opportunities in a more positive environment. According to Gallup, a recent survey the organization conducted of 7,712 U.S. adults “revealed that one in two had left a job to get away from his or her manager.”

Bad Example for Employees and Future Leaders

Toxic bosses don’t exist in isolation. Their impact extends beyond the confines of their immediate staff. As others observe a toxic boss’ behavior but don’t see any negative sanctions, that behavior appears to be okay with the company.
Toxic bosses aren’t just annoying and unpleasant. They can be very bad for business, not to mention the many lives they impact. In this post, we looked at just a few ways they can damage an organization. In tomorrow’s post, we’ll discuss the role of leaders within an organization in managing such bosses.

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