Tag: Jathan Janove

Building Proactive Managers with Training

Yesterday’s Advisor presented employment lawyer Jathan Janove’s insight that management is like skiing—it’s important to lean forward, not back. Today we present some concrete tips from Janove for training proactive managers.

What Do Management and Skiing Have in Common?

One of the most common—and most harmful—fault of managers and supervisors is avoidance. In today’s Advisor, a business author explains how this is comparable to skiing while leaning back instead of forward and what this metaphor means for training your managers.

Not ‘Discipline’ … but ‘Opportunity to Improve’

Yesterday, we presented attorney Jathan Janove’s suggestions for dealing with employees who say, “My aberrant behavior was caused by my disability.” Today, we’ll give you more of his tips—plus an introduction to an upcoming California-specific ADA/FEHA training session.

Train Managers to Be Proactive

Jathan Janove is an employment lawyer whose book, Managing to Stay out of Court (Berrett-Koehler/Society for Human Resource Management), includes the following proactive management tips that you can teach your managers and supervisors. ‘That Was Then, This Is Now’ is a good way to effect change in an organization. Grant amnesty for all past mistakes […]

Do You Train Managers to Lean Forward?

Koehler/Society for Human Resource Management), explains the concept of skiing with your weight forward. In his introduction, Janove evokes the image of a beginning skier. Frightened of going too fast, he or she likely obeys the instinct to lean back on the skis. The truth is, however, that keeping the weight forward steadies the skier […]