Learning & Development

Create an Online Training Strategy that Works

Each employee will have very specific training requirements, so businesses must consider the diversity of their staff to maximize the benefits of any online training. Therefore, it makes sense to create a training strategy that provides variety and options that will develop the key characteristics of those employees as needed. No one learner is the same.

Some employees are more visual than others in their learning style. These employees are likely to benefit from online presentations and highly visual content. Other employees may embrace more tactile methods of learning, which could include simulations. Those with auditory learning preferences may enjoy listening to podcasts or something similar. By considering each employee, it is possible to gain a sense of what method will work best for him or her, providing a good return on investment when it comes to calculating training costs.
Each individual is likely to have a mixture of learning styles, so it makes sense that variety will engage the senses and blended online training programs may be preferable. For any business, it is important to evaluate how good the online training program is and to ask whether it provides real benefits to the organization. Will it boost employee performance levels and help them work in a more official, efficient manner?
Every training module or exercise should enhance the learning experience of those utilizing it, so businesses must understand that online content must be relevant to their workplace so it will help their employees do their job more efficiently. Online assessments are an important part of any training strategy. A business must be able to review the completed modules and assessment tests and be able to see whether the information is being absorbed and applied in a practical manner. If an employee is not performing as well as he or she should be after training, questions must be asked. Further training can be utilized, and it may be a good idea in these situations to mix up online training with traditional training methods, bearing in mind that each employee will have unique needs.
Although online learning resources provide an excellent way of keeping employees up to date with current processes and enable them to improve their skills, there could be some employees who still struggle, perhaps through staring at a screen for too long. Ultimately, employees need to know why their training is important and how it can prove their working lives on a day-to-day basis, although most employees are likely to admit that the prospect of receiving regular feedback is beneficial. All businesses must recognize that their most valuable assets are their employees, so it is important to find out what these employees felt was the best aspect of online training and any ways in which it can be improved. This way, employees take an active role in their own development opportunities.

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